7 Ekim 2013 Pazartesi

Fiat 500 Prices, Specification, Photos

Our review automotive blog adding now 2 doors open hatchback Fiat 500 2014 1.4 liter 4 cylinder engine produce 101 Hp@ 6500 rpm max power and five man gearbox transmission.

This fiat have 9.8 seconds speed accelerate , four passenger capacity with 31 Mpg fuel mileage in city and 40 Mpg hwy, driven type FWD.

This small Fiat 500 hatchback car prices $16,100 to $22,000.

Fiat 500 Car Specification
Front view Fiat 500 2014 car wallpaper in HD quality

Red color Fiat 500 car pictures view in high definition 

Fiat 500

Fiat 500 Car Wallpaper

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